Archivo de la etiqueta: parts of the face

We all have a nose!

Hi families!

We have  been working  on our unit on «The Body» for a while now.

Our little ones have been learning a laaarge number of body and face parts and we have played many games with songs and flashcards. These kids are amazing!

they have been recognizing them in their own body and the one of their partners. We have enjoyed many activities and games with this topic.

They love to sing along these songs and dance and dance and dance!

Let’s rock our bodies at home!!

Happy carnival party!


Year 1: body and face parts

Hi, everyone!

These past weeks we have been learning about the different head and body parts. What an amazing interest and knowledge  they have!!!!

We sang some funny songs about the different parts of the human body and the face, then we also played some guessing and word games. Year 1 is learning fast.

Each day we study phonetics and reading related to the vocabulary that we are ought to according to the planning. In this case, our days pass by widening their knowledge about face and body parts.

Enclose we attach some links for them to practice, as well as a link with the 42 phonics to be danced and sang at home.

Parts of the face – Anagram (

We enjoy dancing «Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes» too!

Have a nice week and see you soon!

Lola and Nina

Green class: parts of the face and body

Hello everyone!

Though we still have about a week working on this topics, I wanted to let you know how fun it is to learn about sounds and phonics in English. They now can say words with «S», «A» and «T» sounds. Besides this, they have also learned the different parts of the face and body.

We´ve been learning about the parts of the body through the bean bag song. We sing and dance, carrying the bean bag on our head, our shoulder, our foot, our leg, our back and our arm. It´s lots of fun when we try to sing and dance at the same time!

They had real fun singing and dancing some body songs, but what they really loved is to play Simon Says while they learned some body parts and some actions related to them («Simon says ‘Touch your nose‘!, etc.)

See you soon,
