Archivo de la etiqueta: monsters

Year 2

Dear families,

These past weeks our children have been learning about their own face and body widdening their previous knowledge. They have also been revising phonics and reading in English. AI/OU/EE/OA/IE… step by step they are building a word of association of sounds without even realising.

We´ve been describing monsters for the last few days in year 2, designing our own monster and asking our peers about their monster: «How many eyes has it got?» «How many heads has it got?»SSee

We will continue working on this topic for a few more days as we are really willing to learn in Year 2.

See you soon,

Lola and Nina



Hello families!

I hope you are well! It is been a while since our last communication, but your kids are my priority!

During lasts weeks we have learned and played a lot!

We have been learning the shapes and playing many fun games related to this topic. The kids on the Red Class have also made shapes with their own bodies and we have had such a good time while playing!

After that, we  designed our own monsters and revised the colours and the parts of the body!

We  decided how many eyes, mouths, ears and noses our monsters were going to have by rolling a die.

Following the monster creation, the Red Class has been completely  immersed in an exciting fantasy world along with princesses, dragons, knights, ogres and castles!

This is been our favourite story and the class  decided to dress up in order to do a play! The result was amazing, bravo!

See you soon!
