Archivo de la etiqueta: fruit

Year 1

Hi, everyone!

These last weeks we have learnt a lot about food by making several hand-made activities like drawing our favorite meals, and creating a food pyramid that you’ll be able to see at the end of the term!

We are also focusing a lot on learning how to say the date in English, so it would be great to practise at home!



See you next week!


YEAR 1 – Fruit salad

We have just started a new unit about fruit. We will learn the names of some new fruits and learn how to ask and say those we like or not. Soon, we will do a cooking workshop, in English, and we will make a fruit kebab we’ll be able to eat afterwards ! Yummy yummy!

Acabamos de empezar una nueva unidad sobre la fruta. Vamos a aprender los nombres de algunas frutas nuevas y preguntar o expresar aquellas que nos gustan o no. Y pronto haremos un taller de cocina, en inglés, y prepararemos una brocheta de frutas que nos podremos comer después. Yummy, yummy!