Archivo de la etiqueta: carnival

Carnival, pirates and more!

Hello dear families!

I hope you are enjoying the days before our great Carnival party in Alquería… I can say the children are really excited about that!

During the last couple of weeks, the Red Class has been immersed in an exciting fantasy world along with princesses, dragons, knights, ogres and castles!

This is been our favourite story and the class  decided to dress up in order to do a play! The result was amazing, bravo!

In addition, we have had a lot of fun in our private carnival parade being princesses, cowboys, clowns, monsters, dragons… and pirates!

As you know, our kids are really engaged in letters, so we have been revising Group 1 of the synthetic phonics system and introducing little by little Group 2… I am soooo proud of them!

Enjoy our great carnival party tomorrow!



Hello everybody!

It’s Lola again, I hope you are well!

These past weeks have been amazing getting to know your kids!

We now know  each other very well as we spend a lot of time together during the week for our English classes and I see them in the park every day, as well.

Below is a summary for you of what we have learned from the end of February in the Green Class.

We started our connection during the Carnival week at Alqueria and we made our own animal masks to dress up!

We have also revised the numbers that we previously knew and we also learned new ones until 20 through different games and songs. They love to sing along!

We have played a bingo game and we also done a «number hunt». We had a good time!

Also,  we have been using Jolly Phonics to learn and practice the letters sound in English and they love to sing the songs related to these sounds while doing the actions!

We are even able to recognize some of the sounds and to turn them into letters, wow!!

Our kids on the Green Class have built a di with the sounds of the 1st Group and played a game using it.

We use Jolly Phonics when we have difficulties with a particular sound or word in English to make it easier to our little learner ears!

Our next topic was a very interesting story about a Brown Bear. He sees a loooooot of things, including a teacher! It make us laugh at each time that we read aloud the book together.

We have played role games with some head bands and done a play using puppets. It has been so much fun!

See you soon,


Green Class

Dear families!

This week, we have done many activities in our English class!

We played some Jollyphonics games in the blackboard, identifying sounds and their corresponding letters and motions:


We also continued learning about the animals as well as monsters, pirates… And all costumes and things that have to do with Carnival!

They specially loved this funny clip!


See you next week!n


Red Class

Dear families:

During these past weeks, we have done so many activities related to shapes, that we can now name them almost by heart!!! 😉

We have also played some pirates and circus games, as Carnival is coming soon!

Our class looooves to sing and dance, so here you can find some of the songs we have been listening to:



See you soon!
