These weeks we are learning about the weather and the days of the week. They love to observe the situation every day. With the Super’s help, we revise the different days in a week and play the game of telling one and continuing the chain.
After the super Carnival party, here we are learning about the weather. Sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy… How is the weather today? Of course, we keep on revision the colours and their position with regards to object. Mat is fun. They really like to imitate him. Enjoy the videos
The topic of this cultural week is «The Earth«. We have chosen to widen information about continents in year 1 and to learn about planets in year 2. Enclosed I attach the link to the videos for each class:
We have been learning parts of the body they didn’t know from last year. More specific ones like eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, wrists, hips, ankles, elbows… (also tricks like the silent K before an N, Knee).
We are also quite advanced in reading, that is why we are reading online books for their level and age-gap on the page you can get an account on as parents called OXFORD OWL.
These past weeks we have been learning about all the different categories we can divide food: meals, fruit, vegetables, drinks, desserts/sweets… The following videos will make them dance and sing at home. Enjoy your meal!
Estas últimas semanas hemos estado trabajando la comida: platos terminados, fruta, verdura, bebidas, postres/dulces… Los siguientes vÃdeos les harán bailar y cantar en casa. ¡Que aproveche!