Green Class

Hello everyone!

This week has been so funny! We played and learned a lot about Halloween!

We painted our faces and did some role play related to Halloween, we played Itsy Bitsy, Can I ? (which is similar to the Spanish Game «Reloj, Reloj» but we added some action words 😉 )

Kids love Halloween and they learned a lot of vocabulary so easily!

Have a Happy Halloween!




Playing Musical Statues


Red Class

Hello, everyone!

We had so much fun this week! Kids love role playing, and we did lots of games in English! To give you an example, we played Musical Chairs on Friday while dancing to some Halloween songs, and we revised some action words like «Stop», «Dance», «Go!», «Walk», «Stomp», «Crawl», etc.


Have a Happy Halloween!




English Year 1

Hi class!

Last week was funny, wasn’t it? I will leave you here some links to the songs we sang and danced as well as some exercices to revise the Halloween vocabulary we learned!

Have a Happy and Spooky Halloween!




And this is the COOKIE MONSTER!!! (Click on the image to watch the song again!)









We’ve got bones in our Body!

Hi Year 2!

Remember playing body dominos this week?  Here are some photos of our play!

El pase de diapositivas requiere JavaScript.

As we just practiced body parts and Halloween is coming, it makes sense to sing about the inside of our bodies too!  So, why not do the skeleton dance?

And here is a fun Halloween story to help you get in the spirit!

See you in class!

Lindley and Angela

Français 1 et 2

Salut tout le monde !

Pendant les dernières semaines, nous avons étudié le sujet de l’automne et, cette semaine, nous avons combiné avec Halloween, la fête la plus intéressante de l’automne pour eux, bien sûr!

Les enfants adorent Halloween, et nous en avons bien profité pour apprendre le vocabulaire et quelques expressions!

Voici je vous laisse quelques liens à ce qu’on a travaillé, pour qu’ils puissent réviser à la maison!

¡Hola a todos!

Durante las últimas semanas, hemos estado estudiando la temática del otoño, y esta semana, la hemos combinado con Halloween, ¡la fiesta otoñal más interesante para los peques!

Aprovechando que adoran Halloween, hemos podido aprender mucho vocabulario y algunas expresiones.

Aquí os dejo algunos enlaces para que puedan revisar en casa lo que hemos estado haciendo en clase.

Bon week-end ! ¡Buen fin de semana!
