Archivo de la categoría: Year 2

Food and more in Year 2

Hello everyone!!!

Kids in Year 2 has been starving during these weeks in English classes hahahaha and the reason is that we have been learning about food. We have been listening to  “I’m hungry!!” so many times…

They already had previous knowledge about food, so that we have widened  it. We have been emphasizing speaking in complete sentences instead of just group of words. So they have been working on explain to the rest of the classmates about their preferences and what they think is healthy or unhealthy… such an experience.

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To help us with this task, we read, saw, and played with the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Besides helping us speaking with complete sentences by retelling the story, it was a vehicle to revise the days of the week and our main topic, food.

Of course, we read and shared the physical book, but here are some other resources we used to help us learn.

We hope you enjoy  these resources at home and have fun re-telling this classic story to your families!

We wish you a nice cultural week to you all!

Lola and Nina

What’s in your pencil case?

Dear parents,

Hope you are all well! Just a quick entry to share with you how our kids are learning as a bullet!

In Year 2 we have been working on language used in the classroom, including the most commonly used supplies. We have learnt a song all about classroom objects and use the language in our daily routines. We are encouraging the children to talk using sentences in English.

They loved every single media we used during these two weeks, so I’ll leave here some of them:

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I hope you can enjoy together at home while playing.

Besides that, we are ready for reading and we use our abilities as soon as we have the opportunity to do it!

The video below contains the 42 sounds in English (we already know all the groups and we are so proud of that!).

We are quite familiarized with them and we are learning magic «e» and tricky words.

See you soon!


Year 2

Dear families,

These past weeks our children have been learning about their own face and body widdening their previous knowledge. They have also been revising phonics and reading in English. AI/OU/EE/OA/IE… step by step they are building a word of association of sounds without even realising.

We´ve been describing monsters for the last few days in year 2, designing our own monster and asking our peers about their monster: «How many eyes has it got?» «How many heads has it got?»SSee

We will continue working on this topic for a few more days as we are really willing to learn in Year 2.

See you soon,

Lola and Nina


Year 2

Hello dear families!

We hope you have enjoyed your weekend. Year 2 has started like rockets!

They already know a lot of the 42 sounds of the English phonetic system, but they are also acquiring a good reading speed and comprehension. We had really busy weeks in Year 2 English this months!

We started reviewing our classroom rules and we are sure they will remember this funny video as they have loved it in class.

We have also worked in the topic of the European languages as we celebrated the European Day of Languages in Alquería at the end of September.

We have had such a good time singing along this song 🙂



After that, our next topic was the house and the furniture we could find there. Our kids have learned a lot about that while playing, singing and enjoying English classes.

They have made their own dice to play and we have used them to start writing our firsts sentences in English. Such a hard work!

Besides this, they have been really into Halloween mood and costumes. They claim for more information about Halloween and its traditions. It is not easy but we think they got most of the story.

Hope it’s not too late for you to take a peek at some of the songs we have enjoyed in English class.


Finally, since last week, we are working on our current topic: the Autumn.

We will keep you in the loop!

Lola and Nina

Welcome on board again :)

Hello everybody!

The goal of this post is to welcome you all to our languages blog at Alquería and to inform you that we will have recurring information about the English and French classes via this blog about every 2 weeks.

For those who are new parents, my name is Lola and I am the English teacher from the blue class to Year 2.

Welcome to school one more time! I am delighted to have your kids back. Our children have grown soooo fast this summer.  A special and warm hello to those new parents this year at Alquería. Nice to meet you all.

This year we are also welcoming a new English teacher at school, Nina. You will get to know her in Year 1 and Year 2, although she is the English teacher from Year 3 to Year 6 too.

See you soon!

Lola and Nina