Archivo de la categoría: Year 1

Français: Bienvenu l’été


On a fini l’année très contents/tes d’avoir appris la langue française si bien. Ils/elles sont si motivés/ées. Maintenant ils/elles peuvent avoir une conversation cohérente question-réponse avec une personne qu’ils/elles connaissent pour la première fois. Au moins ils/elles peuvent demander 10 questions et bien répondre avec phases complètes, les chiffres, les couleurs, quelques animaux, les jours de la semaine…

Profitez l’été!!!!! Bougez Bougez!!!!!

Gros bisous,

Débora Membrive

Year 1: Fieldtrip, clothes, animals… Happy Summer!

Dear parents,

It was amazing to share the experience of travelling alone in the fieldtrip. They are so mature and have such an increeeeeedibleeeeee interest in history and facts. I learn with them, literally!

Sleeping outside, sharing bedroom, approaching the teachers outside school… has been the perfect compendium of growing up fast before year 2.

They have adored learning vocabulary about clothes, toiletries, animals on the farm… Enjoy summer guys!!!! You deserve it so much!

Débora Membrive


Year 1: «The girl who wanted to escape her page»

Dear parents,

This week we have been working the topic of inmigration, refugees and war throughout this wonderful book called «The Girl Who Wanted to Escape her Page».

I have tried to make them understand the importance of human beings above it all and how we have to take their possition as to feel their solitude and desperation. What a great heart and comprehension they have. Congratulations to all of them. A huge collective poster shows their will to make gates which permit entering different pages if they do not like theirs.


Débora Membrive Góngora

Year 1: Reading in English and Baby Animal

Dear parents,

We have been learning how to distinguish and decode the different English sounds and how to put them together to make complete words. They are truly loving the process and they can really read!!!!!!!!!

They have also learned the name of animals and their babies.

Easter has come to make us enjoy new vocabulary. We have looked for words in the garden. We had to read the random word we found and as a reward, the Easter Bunny has given us chocolate eggs 🙂

Enjoy the holidays!!!!!

Débora Membrive Góngora