Archivo de la categoría: Clase Verde

Dialogues in the Green Class

Hello Families-

It’s Lindley here and I was a guest teacher this week in the Green Class!  I absolutely loved teaching your children again–it has been a long time since I was their English teacher in the Yellow Class!  They have grown so much and progressed in their languge learning!

This week we reviewed the Hello Song.  Not only did we sing it, but we also took turns using the language in short dialogues in pairs.

The dialogues sounded like this:

A: Hello!

B: Hello!

A: How are you?

B: I´m good. (or I’m great.)  How about you?

A: I’m good.

Another dialogue we practiced was:

A: Hello!

B: Hello!

A: What’s your name?

B: I’m ……  What’s your name?

A: I’m ……  Nice to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you.

Of course, the students still need some prompting with some of the lines, (and sometimes we had to sing the lines to remember them!) but it was really exciting for them to have a conversation in English!  We will continue to practice!

Happy weekend!


PS. Here is the link to the song again so you can revise the conversations at home.


Orange, Red, Green class (Si alguien necesita el mensaje en español, por favor, que me lo haga saber. Gracias. :))

Good morning dearest families,


Firsly, let me introduce myself for those who just arrived to Alquería Educación. My name is Debora and I am the English teacher for ages between 3 and 8 years old. This is my fourth year at school and I am truly delighted to teach your children. WELCOME YOU ALL!!!!

Secondly, I would love to congratulate our little heroes for their strength and ability to survive this weird situation with the widest smile. YOU ARE SIMPLY INCREDIBLE!!!! BIG APPLAUSE FOR YOU!!!!

You can contact  me through this means writing a comment. It will be a real pleasure to give you a response as soon as possible.

Looking forward to getting the scholar year started, please receive my warm welcome message.  Best regards,

Débora Membrive Góngora



Green class: The Mixed up Chamaleon

Dearest children,

It is a real pleasure for me to give you the chance to listen to this beautiful story book. This author is one of my favourites, I hope you enjoy it and you practice some English this days enclosed at home. It is a great chance to revise animals and the parts of the body.

Querid@s niñ@s:

Es un verdadero placer para mi daros la oportunidad de escuchar este libro contado en inglñes. El autor es uno de mis favoritos y espero que lo disfrutéis y practiquéis inglés durante estos días de encierro en casa. Es una bonita oportunidad para revisar los animales, así como las partes del cuerpo.

Os echo de menos,

Débora Membrive Góngora


Green class: Reading and singing is fun!

Dear children,

Are you practicing reading this days? I know it was my challenge for you this year and you were loving it in class. So why do’nt we just have some fun and teach our relatives some phonetics at home??

Hola a tod@s:

¿Estáis practicando lectura estos días? Sé que este fue mi desafío en clase este año para los verdecitos que os estaba encantando hacerlo en clase. Así que… ¿por qué no pasarlo bien y enseñarle técnicas a nuestros familiares en casa?

Un fuerte abrazo,

Débora Membrive Góngora

Green Class: Seasons of the year!

Dearest families!

How are things going at home? I hope to receive your feed back on this. I miss our classes so much. For this post, I have decided to revise the seasons of the year. We were talking about them when we finished classes, so I wish you enjoy them. A really nice activity I propose I for you to draw each day of this week about the phenomena which occurs in each one of them. Enjoy!

Queridas familias:

¿Qué tal va todo? Espero recibir feed back por vuestra parte. Echo de menos nuestras clases tanto. Para este post, he decidido revisar las estaciones del año. Estuvimos hablando de ellas antes de acabar con las clases. Una de las actividades que os propongo es que dibujéis los fenómenos que ocurren durante cada una de ellas a lo largo de los días de esta semana. ¡A disfrutar!

Un fuerte abrazo,

Débora Membrive Góngora