Archivo de la categoría: Clase Verde


Hello everybody!

It’s Lola again, I hope you are well!

These past weeks have been amazing getting to know your kids!

We now know  each other very well as we spend a lot of time together during the week for our English classes and I see them in the park every day, as well.

Below is a summary for you of what we have learned from the end of February in the Green Class.

We started our connection during the Carnival week at Alqueria and we made our own animal masks to dress up!

We have also revised the numbers that we previously knew and we also learned new ones until 20 through different games and songs. They love to sing along!

We have played a bingo game and we also done a «number hunt». We had a good time!

Also,  we have been using Jolly Phonics to learn and practice the letters sound in English and they love to sing the songs related to these sounds while doing the actions!

We are even able to recognize some of the sounds and to turn them into letters, wow!!

Our kids on the Green Class have built a di with the sounds of the 1st Group and played a game using it.

We use Jolly Phonics when we have difficulties with a particular sound or word in English to make it easier to our little learner ears!

Our next topic was a very interesting story about a Brown Bear. He sees a loooooot of things, including a teacher! It make us laugh at each time that we read aloud the book together.

We have played role games with some head bands and done a play using puppets. It has been so much fun!

See you soon,


Red class: Rainbow Colors

Our Red Class had lots of fun today singing the Rainbow Colors and learning about Pete, a funky cat who loves to wear boots!

Group 1-2 Transport lesson 1 Pete the Cat by Yvonne Scherphof on Genially


This past couple of weeks in the Orange, Red, and Green Classes, we have been working on different topics, such as: routines, class rules, emotions and now, the colors! Our little ones are very enthusiastic about English and love to sing along different songs.

Nuestra Clase Roja se divirtió mucho hoy cantando la canción del Arcoiris y aprendiendo sobre Pete, un gato al que le gusta llevar botas.

En las pasadas semanas, nuestros grupos de infantil han estado aprendiendo sobre temas variados como las rutinas, reglas de clase, emociones, y ahora los colores. Nuestros peques están llenos de entusiasmo cuando toca clase de inglés y disfrutan cantando diferentes canciones en dicho idioma.

Welcome back to school!


Hello from the Foreign Department. This is  Julia.  I am going to be your English and French teacher this year and I am so excited to work with you!

Before, we go further, as  the newest member of the language department at Alquería, I want to introduce myself.  My name is Julia Aguilar and I am a native of Granada who has lived in the United States for more than a decade. I am so excited to be back in my hometown doing what I love most: teaching! I look forward to meeting all of my new students and their families. I will be teaching all the preschool classes and Year 1 and Year 2 English and French (Lindley will be co-teaching  Year 2 ENG with me).

Watch this space to find out more about what we do in our  foreign language classes!

See you soon,

Julia and Lindley


Hola desde el Departamento de Idiomas. Soy Julia. Quiero presentarme como  maestra de idiomas para la clase naranja, la clase roja, y la clase verde, además de Primero y Segundo. ¡Estoy muy emocionada de trabajar con los niños y las niñas de estos cursos y con sus familias!

Además, como nueva incorporación en el departamento de idiomas, quiero presentarme. Mi nombre es Julia Aguilar, soy de Granada aunque viví en los Estados Unidos más de una década. Estoy muy emocionada de volver a mi ciudad natal haciendo lo que más me gusta: ¡enseñar! Espero conocer a todos mis nuevos estudiantes y sus familias. Enseñaré a todas las clases de infantil y Primero y Segundo en inglés y francés (Lindley será la co-docente de Year 2 ENG conmigo).

¡Consulta a menudo este blog para obtener más información sobre lo que hacemos en nuestras clases de idiomas extranjeros!


Hi everyone! First of all, I wanted to show you my apologies for not having updated the blog during the last days -as you already know, I’ve just arrived to the school and needed some lessons about how the blog works (thanks, Lindley and Isa!)

Now that I’ve learned some basic steps (hopefully I will get used to it as I practice with these first messages), let me talk to you about what we’ve been doing during these last two weeks in the Orange, Red and Green Class.

Orange Class

Starting every class with the greetings and some songs they already know (Hello Song, the Colours Song…) we played a lot with the colours, both in the classroom and in the park. Taking advantage of one of the pupils’ birthday, we also blew up some balloons and talked about their colours while dancing to the music. Every day, we’ve been talking about the weather and autumn. We simulated being some autumn elements (wind, leaves, squirrels, little frogs…)

One day, we went with Silvia for a walk to La Vega, and we learned how beautiful the autumn landscape can be!

The students will  recognize this song:


Red Class

I was so happy to discover to what extent they already understand English! We’ve been learning some fruits and vegetables, playing withg the classroom toys («I want a tomato, please!») One day, we coloured some vegetables flashcards and they had to ask in English for the colour they wanted to use. Then, we made a presentation of their own «Fruit and vegetables flashcards» and they were so proud of them! They quickly said which fruit/vegetable  it was and its colour («A brown potato«, etc.)

We also sang a lot and talked about the autumn and the weather (I am pretty sure that their favourite song this unit has been this one!):


Green Class

We’ve been mainly learning the parts of the body, also talking about the colours, the weather, and celebrating one of the pupils’ birthday!

They had real fun singing and dancing some body songs, but what they really loved is to play Simon Says while they learned some body parts and some actions related to them («Simon says ‘Touch your nose‘!, etc.)

This was their favourite song! (Our two bilingual pupils inherently invited the rest of the class to sing the «Here we go!» part, which was so enriching for everyone!):


I’ll be updating weekly from next week on, see you soon!





Dear families:

I am Ángela, the new English and French teacher in pre-school and early primary and I’m so glad to  have the opportunity to teach your little ones!

As you may already know, this is my first year at Alquería, so I’m getting to know my little students and help them get used to their new teacher as soon as possible.

Thus (as you can imagine) last week has been a bit of a «restart» in language classroom, during which time we’ve been reviewing previous contents in English, especially the greetings song and introductions .
I am quickly learning their names and a little bit of their amazing characters and personalities.

I’m eager to get to know them better as we move forward in October!  I will post again soon and update you on what exactly we are working on in English and French class!

Have a wonderful week!
