Archivo de la categoría: Clase Verde

Green class: parts of the face and body

Hello everyone!

Though we still have about a week working on this topics, I wanted to let you know how fun it is to learn about sounds and phonics in English. They now can say words with «S», «A» and «T» sounds. Besides this, they have also learned the different parts of the face and body.

We´ve been learning about the parts of the body through the bean bag song. We sing and dance, carrying the bean bag on our head, our shoulder, our foot, our leg, our back and our arm. It´s lots of fun when we try to sing and dance at the same time!

They had real fun singing and dancing some body songs, but what they really loved is to play Simon Says while they learned some body parts and some actions related to them («Simon says ‘Touch your nose‘!, etc.)

See you soon,


Green Class

Hello everyone!

In the green class, we are learning soooo  many things and soooo fast. We follow our English routine everyday in class and that helps us to feel confidents and ready to learn.

We have been busy reviewing colours and numbers from 1 to 10, playing games and singing and dancing a lot!

We rock in the Green class!!

After that, Halloween was our main occupation and our little ones absolutely love this English holiday.

We are learning a lot about phonics and we adore Alphablocks in every single version!

Do not hesitate to check up this history at home with the kids: I am pretty sure that their laughs when they see the dancing rat will make your days!

Autumn is here and we are having fun! In class, we share stories, read books, make pictures,  talk about autumn and the change in weather, dance,  jump in a pile of leaves, sing and enjoy learning.

And on top of it, Mr Autumn has visited us from far far away to bring us leaves to play with and to tell us great adventures.

We have been very occupied telling the rain to go away and to let us play (we needed to figure out that the rain didn’t let us play outside, but with our wonderful imagination everything is easier hehehe).

During next weeks we will be learning about the human body and the parts of the face.

Have a nice week, Green Class!


Welcome on board again :)

Hello everybody!

The goal of this post is to welcome you all to our languages blog at Alquería and to inform you that we will have recurring information about the English and French classes via this blog about every 2 weeks.

For those who are new parents, my name is Lola and I am the English teacher from the blue class to Year 2.

Welcome to school one more time! I am delighted to have your kids back. Our children have grown soooo fast this summer.  A special and warm hello to those new parents this year at Alquería. Nice to meet you all.

This year we are also welcoming a new English teacher at school, Nina. You will get to know her in Year 1 and Year 2, although she is the English teacher from Year 3 to Year 6 too.

See you soon!

Lola and Nina

Have a wonderful Summer, Green Class!

Hello dear families!

This is the last entry of this year!

During the last weeks, we have been revising many of the topics studied during this year, and also playing a lot while continuing learning about the summer in English class.

I was so impressed to discover how much they have learnt since we are together and I am absolutely confident that they are ready for English classes in Year 1!

Ready, steady, goooo for Year 1!!!

But, before…. Enjoy, play, swim, eat some ice-cream and be happy!

I hope that you all really enjoy your summer vacation! See you in September!

All the best,


Green class

Hello dear families,

We hope you are having a nice week! Here an update of our kids progress in the Green Class.

Our little learners are willing to learn English and they enjoy the lessons as well as me!

During lasts weeks we have been working on classic English tales such as “The three little pigs” or “The three Billy goats”.

We enjoy our story time moments and we appreciate the time we pass reading together.

We use the books as a line to make activities, free drawings and a looooot of games in the classroom (including vocabulary games, board games or role-plays activities).

Here some of the videos we have watch during these lessons:

As we needed to get ready for our trip to Parapanda, our Green Class has started its study about the farm animals. We have such a good time while learning! We made dances, we sang along and made our own farm animals fingers puppets to dance while singing!

From the beginning of this short 3rd term, we are progressing in our learning about phonics and we are working on group 4 and we have just started group 5, incredible!

During next weeks we will «be immersed» in the deep blue sea in order to know more about the sea animals and, of course, about the summer and the beach or the pool 🙂

Finally, I share with you our Alphablocks moments, for which we try to have a short time during our busy week 🙂

Below a collection of some funny moments:

See you soon,
