Archivo de la categoría: Clase Naranja

Reconnecting with my youngest students….

Hello families of the Orange class!

It’s Lindley here again!  What a pleasure to be with the orange class as a guest English teacher this week!

Though I see all the children in the park each day,  I was so excited to reconnect in the classroom with the children I taught in the Yellow class last year!  It has been a long time since I last saw them in March, and they have grown so much!

This week we reviewed the Hello Song and greetings in English.  We also practiced basic instrucions for English class with the Actions Song.  Here is it so that you can practice essential understanding for the classroom at home with «stand up, sit down.»

We also began to practice colors.  We watched some videos about colors, talked about colors in the classroom and finally we made monochromatic towers.  Each student asked for one color and repeated it in English to get their blocks for their towers.

Here are the songs to continue practicing at home.

What a wonderful week in the orange class!  Have a great weekend!



Orange, Red, Green class (Si alguien necesita el mensaje en español, por favor, que me lo haga saber. Gracias. :))

Good morning dearest families,


Firsly, let me introduce myself for those who just arrived to Alquería Educación. My name is Debora and I am the English teacher for ages between 3 and 8 years old. This is my fourth year at school and I am truly delighted to teach your children. WELCOME YOU ALL!!!!

Secondly, I would love to congratulate our little heroes for their strength and ability to survive this weird situation with the widest smile. YOU ARE SIMPLY INCREDIBLE!!!! BIG APPLAUSE FOR YOU!!!!

You can contact  me through this means writing a comment. It will be a real pleasure to give you a response as soon as possible.

Looking forward to getting the scholar year started, please receive my warm welcome message.  Best regards,

Débora Membrive Góngora



Orange class: Farm animals

Dearest children,

Ready for another post?? I find it the best moment, reaching April, to teach you about farm animals. There are so many songs to learn them. These are some just to get you dancing and practicing.

I miss you very much.

Querid@s niñ@s:

¿Estamos preparados para otra entrada del blog? Llegando abril, siento que es el mejor momento para aprender los animales de la granja. Hay tantas canciones para aprenderlos y practicarlos.

Os echo mucho de menos,

Débora Membrive Góngora

Orange class: Clothes!

Dear children,

How are you, children? Very soon the weather is going to change. It is the best time to learn about clothes. T-shirt, trousers, shirt, skirt… What are you wearing today?  It is officialy spring so we can enjoy singing and dancing at home with teacher Debora’s proposals.

Hola a tod@s:

¿Qué tal vais? Muy pronto, el tiempo va a empezar a cambiar y es el mejor momento para hablar de la ropa.. Camisetas, pantalones, camisa, falda. ¿Qué llevas puesto hoy? Ya sí estamos en primavera, así que vamos a pasarlo genial con las propuestas de Teacher Débora.

Un fuerte abrazo,

Débora Membrive Góngora

Orange Class: Numbers. Let’s count!

Hello mi dearest children!!

From my warm house on this beautiful rainy day I truly hope you are behaving nicely, you are profiting this extraordinary time with mom and/or dad 24/7 and that you are playing, dancing, singing… My proposal forn this Monday is for you to practice with numbers 1-10. Action!

Queridos niñ@s:

Desde el calor de mi casa en este bello día de lluvia deseo de corazón que os estéis portando bien, que estéis disfrutando de este tiempo extraordinario con mami y/o papi 24 horas para vosotros y que estéis cantando, bailado, jugando… Mi propuesta para este lunes es que practiquéis los números del 1-10.

Un fuerte abrazo,

Débora Membrive Góngora