Year 2 has been learning the means of transport. They have loved this topic. Please, play these songs for them. We continue to read. This time, private reading sessions with Lindley meanwhile I go on with the teaching part. Let’s have some fun!
Segundillo están aprendiendo los medios de transporte. Nos encantan. Estamos dividiendo haciendo sesiones de lectura solos con Lindley¡A disfrutar!
The topic of this cultural week is «The Earth«. We have chosen to widen information about continents in year 1 and to learn about planets in year 2. Enclosed I attach the link to the videos for each class:
We have been learning parts of the body they didn’t know from last year. More specific ones like eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, wrists, hips, ankles, elbows… (also tricks like the silent K before an N, Knee).
We are also quite advanced in reading, that is why we are reading online books for their level and age-gap on the page you can get an account on as parents called OXFORD OWL.
Here it is the super fun game Lindley has created for our children to play in groups to learn how to read and how to pronunce in English. We are really focused on phonetics and we found THIS would be the best way to learn… PLAYING!!!!!!! It has perfectly suited both classes and the different levels. They all have had a wonderful time. One part of the class was reading «Tricky words» with me throwing the die in order to read the words; meanwhile the other part was reading random words written on clothes clips and was displaying them into the correct string according to Lindley’s rules. We will repeat it thoughout the year as they really had so much fun.
Year 2 is flying in the sky!!! These kids…They really CAN read in English and they love ittttttt. The topic for these weeks is food. We are widening the previous knowledge they have. So in groups of vocabulary, we study fruit, vegetables, sweets, drinks… In order to make more complexe sentences, we are also learning to like or dislike. Here enclose I attach some videos. Enjoy!!!!