Français 1 et 2

Bonjour tout le monde!

Cette semaine, nous avons commencé à apprendre les jours de la semaine en français!

Ça vous dit quelque chose?! He, he!



Nous avons aussi fini nos présentations de nos paniers d’automne en 2ème, une petite vidéo pour ne pas oublier le vocab!


Une jolie pomme rouge.


À bientôt!



(También esta semana hemos realizado ya la primera de las charlas formativas del programa «7×7 formación» cuya información recibisteis en vuestro mail, y que ha tenido en su estreno una gran participación y aceptación por parte de las personas inscritas.

Os recordamos que estáis a tiempo de inscribiros en las seis charlas formativas que todavía nos quedan, o en la que más os interese por supuesto, y os informamos que el jueves 17 de diciembre realizamos la próxima con la temática de «Educación Emocional».

Puedes obtener más información e inscribirte a través del siguiente enlace×7-formacion/ )

English Year 1 and 2

Hi everyone!

This week, we learned a lot about Thanksgiving!

Do you want to watch the story of that smart turkey again? We watched it in Year 1, but those of you in Year 2 can also watch it at home and try to find out how Thanksgiving ended up for the farmer and his family! A slightly different ending! 😉


You can also make some interesting activities about Thanksgiving!

Click to go to the activity.


Do you remember the name and colour of the elements in the picture below?!


Have fun!

Lindley and Ángela



Hi everyone!

This week, we learned so many things in the Green Class!


We played with blocks and then we turned our creations into pictures. Here we can see Lucía’s block rainbow and sheep.

We danced all together to some funny songs, like this one dedicated to Thanksgiving:


Before rain came, we spent some time playing Relay Races in the park!
We also continued learning about food.


Have fun!




Hi everyone!

This week, we have been practising a theatre about the story of Red Riding Hood. As we already knew the story in Spanish, we proposed two different and friendly endings!

Red standing in the middle of the class, with her Mommy and a friendly little rabbit.
Uh, oh! Here is the wolf! And we can also see a little flower.


Once we finished our theatre, we danced to some funny songs!

Here you can find Red Riding Hood story and song so that you can watch it again at home!


Have fun,



Hello, everyone!

This week, we have made a Thanksgiving Turkey in English class! Painting with our fingers is so funny! We will show them to you next week, as they were still a bit wet!







Also, as it was rainy outside, we had more time to play in the classroom, so we practised the Turkey Hop again and again (we love to hop and run): 

We also played with blocks and then picked them up by colours, singing and dancing 🙂









Have fun!
