Year 2: Means of transport and reading

Hello everyone!

Year 2 has been learning the means of transport. They have loved this topic. Please, play these songs for them. We continue to read. This time, private reading sessions with Lindley meanwhile I go on with the teaching part. Let’s have some fun!


Segundillo están aprendiendo los medios de transporte. Nos encantan. Estamos dividiendo haciendo sesiones de lectura solos con Lindley¡A disfrutar!

Débora y Lindley

Year 1: The Weather the seasons and phonics

Hello everyone!

We are ready for reading! The video below contains the 42 sounds in English. We are quite familiarized with them and we are learning  magic «e» and tricky words. The quite control the weather forecast, the seasons, bugs, insects…


¡Estamos preparados/as para leer! El vídeo contiene los 42 sonidos en inglés. Estamos bastante familiarizos/as con ellos y estamos aprendiendo el uso de la «e» mágica  las palabras con truco. Controlan bastante el tiempo atmosférico, las estaciones del año, bichos, insectos…

Débora Membrive y Lindley McCarthy