Archivo de la etiqueta: body parts

Help! I’m being eaten by a SNAKE!


A quick update on the Yellow Class.   We have been studying SO MANY THINGS since Christmas.

It’s winter and it is COLD!!!!

So, we are practicing our chant:

Put on your hat 

Put on your scarf  

Put on your jacket 

Put on your gloves 


We still  are practicing the weather as part of our daily class routine singing this song:

Play it at home! You’ll be surprised at how well the kids can sing some parts of the song!

Also we are learning a new song.  It is a poem set to music by the chirldren’s author Shel Silverstein.  It’s called «I’m being Eaten by a Boa Constrictor.»  

We are dancing, singing, practicing body parts and animals.  What a wonderful excuse to discuss lots of things in English.

Here is a version of the story being read to listen at home.


Hi Snake! (Our Boa!)

We have had a busy week in English class!  And we have had a special guest!  Our snake, Boa has come to help teach us a song about body parts and review the colors yellow and green.

In addition, the students are learning to answer «What’s your name?» when Boa asks.  Students say, «I’m …….»  Some students can answer and others are still learning the question.  It is a delight to watch to them work it out!

Here are some photos of the introduction to Boa  this past  week, as well as photos of the little Boa «friends» we made!

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Ha sido una semana muy completa en la clase de Inglés ! Y tuvimos un invitado especial que nos ayudo! Nuestra serpiente, Boa ha venido a enseñarnos una canción sobre las partes del cuerpo y revisar los colores amarillo y verde . Además, los alumnos y alumnas están aprendiendo a responder » ¿Cómo te llamas? » cuando Boa pregunta . Los estudiantes dicen : «I’m …… » Algunos estudiantes pueden responder y otros todavía están aprendiendo la cuestión . Es una delicia verlos resolverlo!   Aquí están algunas fotos de la introducción a la boa de la semana pasada , así como fotos de los pequeños «amigos » que hicimos!

Y aqui la cancion para escuchar en casa:

boa cartoon