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Autumn leaves…

Hello everybody! 

Autumn has arrived and with it we have been learning the different characteristic colours of autumn: brown, green, red and yellow. In addition, we have been singing a very nice song about autumn: «Autumn leaves are falling down«.
A very popular autumn (fall) children’s song, Autumn Leaves are Falling Down. From the CD, «Children’s Favorite Autumn Songs & Fingerplays» Download CD: http …
Another autumn thing that we have learned is about Halloween! We made pumpkin masks and we were playing with them. It was so funny!
We continue singing our songs while we are counting, cutting and eating the fruit, as well as playing and learning vocabulary. Most of us already know how to say «more, please», when we want to ask for more fruit, and «thank you» when they give it to us (yellow class). 
 In addition, we practice the feelings while we are taking the fruit. We know if I’m sad or I’m happy.
Greetings and see you soon!!!!!!
¡Hola a todo el mundo!
El otoño ha llegado y con él hemos estado aprendiendo los diferentes colores característicos del otoño: marrón, verde, rojo y amarillo. Además, hemos estado cantando una canción muy bonita sobre el otoño: «Autumn leaves are falling down».
¡Otra cosa característica del otoño que hemos aprendido es halloween! Hicimos máscaras de calabaza y estuvimos jugando con ellas. ¡Fue tan divertido!
Seguimos cantando nuestras canciones mientras estamos contando, cortando y comiendo la fruta, así como jugando y aprendiendo vocabulario. La mayoría ya sabemos decir «more, please», cuando queremos pedir más fruta, y «thank you» cuando nos la dan (clase amarilla).  Además, sabemos reconocer algunos sentimientos, como estoy feliz o estoy triste.
¡Un saludo y hasta pronto!
OUR SONGS: Please visit our website to download worksheets AlThuraya KG – Doha , Qatar برجاء زيارة موقعنا … Please visit our website to download worksheets AlThuraya KG – Doha , Qatar برجاء زيارة موقعنا …

Help! I’m being eaten by a SNAKE!


A quick update on the Yellow Class.   We have been studying SO MANY THINGS since Christmas.

It’s winter and it is COLD!!!!

So, we are practicing our chant:

Put on your hat 

Put on your scarf  

Put on your jacket 

Put on your gloves 


We still  are practicing the weather as part of our daily class routine singing this song:

Play it at home! You’ll be surprised at how well the kids can sing some parts of the song!

Also we are learning a new song.  It is a poem set to music by the chirldren’s author Shel Silverstein.  It’s called «I’m being Eaten by a Boa Constrictor.»  

We are dancing, singing, practicing body parts and animals.  What a wonderful excuse to discuss lots of things in English.

Here is a version of the story being read to listen at home.


It’s Pumpkin Time!

In the Blue and Yellow classes we have been talking about the season–AUTUMN! My favorite!  We are learning a poem;

Give a cheer! Autumn is here!

Down, down, yellow and brown, 

The leaves are falling all over the town.

talking about the colors of fall (yellow and brown); and reading books:  pumpkin-day

Today the yellow class colored orange pumpkins, requesting their crayons with «Orange, please!»

Here is a song to practice  with numbers and «pumpkins.»

Happy Autumn everyone!

Learning family words

Hello! Now that most of the students in the Yellow class are adapted to being back at school, and  can hear the word Mommy without bursting into to tears, we have started a new topic!

We are learning the words for the members of the  family: «Mommy, Daddy, sister, brother and baby.»  We are practicing the words using pictures and sticking «kisses» on the pictures as I say, «Give sister a kiss.»

We have played this game twice and most students are repeating the family names and they are able to place the kisses on the person that I say!

Here is a song to enjoy at home while singing a song about family words.