Archivo de la etiqueta: irregular verbs


¡Hola chicas y chicos!

Os dejamos por aquí una lista de verbos irregulares agrupados con el fin de facilitaros el estudio para el próximo viernes.

irregular verbs by groups

No olvidéis además continuar con la preparación de vuestro topic de Trinity. Podéis consultar el siguiente vídeo recomendado para la parte de entrevista/conversación y adaptar las preguntas a tu información personal.

¡Mucha suerte! and see you later!

Teacher Manolo & Teacher Ana

YEAR 5 PAST SIMPLE 2ND TERM (2º TRIMESTRE) 24th Tuesday 2023.

Hi everyone!

Introduction : PAST SIMPLE . 


We are now well into our study of irregular verbs in English.

Take a look at what some other schools in Granada do to help learn the irregular vebs!  (Can you create your own rap?!  EXTRA CREDIT to anyone -or a group that decides to do it!! Create a rap and sing it in front of the class for your points!!)

Be wise, revise:

Now practice what you have learned.

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Have fun!  We can’t wait to see how well you do in class next week!




Present Perfect

Hello Year 6 –  Here are some videos to revise the concepts that we are talking about in class.  Please revise the irregular verbs in the past, and then be sure to watch the videos about present perfect.

First, remember your past participles:

*NOTE:  say, said, said is not pronounced exactly correctly in this song. We’ll revise it in class!

And this, from Granada!

Here is how we form the present perfect:

And here is how we use it:

Top tips of vocabulary we often use with the present perfect:


Finally click on the digital resources to practice what you are learning!

Have fun!

Year 5 «Verb Rap Challenge»


This is just a note to remind you of your «verb rap challenge.»

You (alone, or with a friend or several friends) can create a rap song using 10-15 irregular verbs.  (You can use more if you wish!)

You need to show the class your song for extra points on your weekly reveiw.

This optional challenge is valid until THURSDAY, MARCH 15! That is the last day.

For some more inspiration, here is the link to the super rapping teacher we saw in class!

Good luck and have fun!


Let’s review our irregular verbs in English

Hello! Welcome back Year 5 and Year 6!

We are excited to continue English classes with you, but there isn’t a moment to waste, so let’s pick up where we left off last year.  You will need your irregular verbs in your first presentations, so practice with this song!

Don’t forget to leave a note and let us know you are logging on.

 Click on commentary to leave us a message!