Archivo de la etiqueta: Clothes


Hello,   YEAR 3!

We have already started our oral presentations in English!

To help you practice, we are sharing some useful resources here.

If you have any questions before your oral presentation, don’t hesitate to ask us!

Keep practicing and have fun!

First some vocabulary.

Watch a «real life» video about the clothes people are wearing.  (Use the subtitles to help you understand the video!)

Now, practice what you know.  Click on the picture to do the exercises.




TeacherManolo & Ana.


YEAR 3 CLOTHES What are you wearing? 2nd Term JANUARY 2024.

Hello , Year 3!

Clothes, clothes, and more clothes.

This is the perfect topic to learn about between winter and spring when we are still wearing some layers of clothes, but we are beginning to change our wardrobes a bit.

Here are some resources to helps you practice all the new vocabulary that you need!

First revise the words you need:

Here is a bit of real world English to hear native speakers talking about their clothes.  Can you understand?

Practice your new vocabulary by guessing the item before time runs out!

We’ll continue to practice!  See you in class!

TeacherManolo & ANA.

Is this MY sweater? Working with possessive adjectives

Hello Year 3- We have been speaking about whose clothes are whose!  Here are some resources to help  you revise clothes and possessive adjectives!  First watch the videos….

Now, test yourself by playing the games!

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Have fun playing! Leave us a note and let us know how you did!

Have a good weekend!

Lindley and Manolo

Body and Clothes

Hi Year 4-

Here are some resources to help you revise our current topic of body and clothes.  Enjoy!

First, the body:

What do you look like?  Can you describe yourself and your family and friends? Practice here!


Now for some clothes- listen and repeat!

Practice, repeat and sing!

Now try these exercises: (pincha en la foto para acceder a los ejercicios)

Have fun practicing!

Lindley and Manolo

Revision: clothes, to be and to have

Hello Year 3-

A quick reminder to keep practicing English on

We suppose you are nearly done with your clothes work pack, so this blog entry is a revision to consolidate your learning so far.  Here are some videos and games so you can keep practicing your knowledge.

Revise clothes (and other) vocabulary with this fun game here. Click the photo to get to the link.

Let us know how you do–we´ll track high scores if you send your results to us in the comments section.

Click the picture below for a game to practice to be:

Click below to use this video lesson to practice the verb have got:

Use this link to help you revise material at a variety of levels.  It includes listening games to, so have your head phones on, or your speaker turned up.


Let us know how you are doing with your work and let us know via the comments section if you have any questions!

Stay well! Stay at home!

All our best,

Teacher Manolo and Lindley