Hi, How are you? Well, an activity about can-can´t.
A video and a song about CAN -CAN´T.
Enjoy your week!
Hi, How are you? Well, an activity about can-can´t.
A video and a song about CAN -CAN´T.
Enjoy your week!
..and above all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
What a long ride the year 2024 has been!
We are SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS for getting through this highly first term of school! You´ve done it incredibly well!
We know you are so excited for a rest from school and we hope you enjoy the holidays with your families!
Here are some Christmas songs in English and French and games. We will see you in 2025 to enjoy all the hopeful promise of the New Year.
..and some traditional carols in a new way!
Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël!
TeacherManolo and Ana.
Hello again! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
We leave you several explanations related to the new «Topic: POSSESSIVES«.
Firstly, learn these new concepts,
Take care.
Hi Year 5!
In English class, we are in the middle of a project to realise our cities in working groups.
As a reminder, here are a few resources.
Here are some videos for you to watch to revise places in a city and how to give directions in English!
Now, what these videos to see how people ask for and give directions in English.
And now a diffent accent asking and giving directions:
And now, here is a real world example of asking for directions in English.
Now, click on the pictures to do the exercises!
By TearcherManolo and Ana.
Hello Primary 3!
During the past weeks, Primary 3 students have been confident speakers with their English conferences!
The presentation focused on introducing themselves and sharing details about them such as:
Each student spoke in front of their classmates, showing courage and creativity with a super presentation they have created only with images! They practiced using clear sentences and speaking loudly and proudly, learning in a meaningful way.
The results were amazing! 🙂 Not only they improved their English skills, but they also gained confidence in public speaking.
Here you have photos of some of them ⭐
We are really proud of their hard work and enthusiasm.
Thank you for encouraging your children to prepare their English presentation!
English Teachers: Manolo and Ana