Hello everyone!
How was the beginning of Primary 6 school year?
Hope you are all super happy and now… time to practise English!
Let’s start with a bit of revision of the English contents we’ve been working on in our classes!
First, check this quiz that allows you to review Present Simple and Present Continuous.
And now… time to review Past Simple! Remember our conversations? What did you do yesterday? What did you do last weekend? Last summer? Last year?
As you all know, we are learning Past Simple tense; regular verbs with -ed endings as well as irregular verbs. To help you remember these tenses and how to pronounce all the different ways to say verbs with -ed, click on the links below for some fun practice.
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Click in the link below to play a game and see if you can correctly remember irregular verbs!
Irregular Verbs Picture Quiz 
Have fun! See you back in class!
Teacher Ana & Teacher Manolo