Archivo de la categoría: 5º EPO

YEAR 5 AND YEAR 6 What did you do on Easter holidays or the weekend?

Hello Year 5 and Year 6 –

You haven’t got any homework for this  long Easter holidays  except to relax and enjoy yourselves!  You have earned a short rest after our hard work so far this year.

Here is a «warm-up» song for the one question you know we’ll be talking about come Wednesday…use these ideas to help you remember what you will say in class about your weekend or your Easter holidays!


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Have a nice week!


YEAR 5 AND YEAR 6 What did you do yesterday? MARCH 2023.

Hello again, Year 5 and Year 6.

We are practicing irregular verbs in past simple and as you know, you can never have too much practice to learn this «tricky list.»  

Here are some  extra resources to help you learn and revise!

Practice correct pronunciation with this video.

Now, let’s add a beat and some sentences too.

Time for a self test.  Practice what you know with these games!  Please play over and over and over again….until you know them all!

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Don’t forget to keep practicing regular verbs in the past  too...especially their pronunciation.

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We will practice more in class next week.

P.S. Leave us a comment and answer the question in the title of this blog post!

Have a great weekend!



Estimadas familias,

Durante esta semana hemos estado trabajando  tanto en francés como en inglés con Picasso.

Se ha realizado un taller de francés «Un bouquet de fleur style Picasso» y en inglés varios talleres «How to draw Picasso faces» and «How to draw a portrait Picasso´s style».

El alumnado de sexto ha realizado un excelente trabajo con las exposiciones hablando en inglés para sus compañeros y compañeras de la Etapa de Primaria.

Se sube algunos de los videos trabajados en clase durante esta semana, al igual que os recomendamos los Blogs de cada ciclo de Primaria de Alquería Educación.



Many thanks to all the students for their hard work during this cultural week.



Hola a todos y todas,

Durante esta semana hemos estado preparando la semana cultural de este curso 2022-2023  Pablo Picasso en los diferentes cursos desde 1º a 6º . El curso de 6º representará una exposición de sus trabajos en inglés, la semana que viene para los compañeros y compañeras de los otros cursos.

Dejamos algunos videos sobre Picasso,


YEAR 5 PAST SIMPLE 2ND TERM (2º TRIMESTRE) 24th Tuesday 2023.

Hi everyone!

Introduction : PAST SIMPLE . 


We are now well into our study of irregular verbs in English.

Take a look at what some other schools in Granada do to help learn the irregular vebs!  (Can you create your own rap?!  EXTRA CREDIT to anyone -or a group that decides to do it!! Create a rap and sing it in front of the class for your points!!)

Be wise, revise:

Now practice what you have learned.

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Have fun!  We can’t wait to see how well you do in class next week!

