Archivo de la categoría: 3º ENGLISH


Welcome to  Cultural Week  on  Cinema.

We have kicked off  Cultural Week, and this year it is dedicated to the world of cinema.

In English classes, we have worked on vocabulary, dialogues, games, and other activities related to the seventh art. Now it is time to put everything into practice: before entering the cinema to watch a movie, students will have to express themselves in English.

To reinforce what they have learned, we are providing some dialogues and vocabulary games related to cinema.

In French classes, we have carried out activities to familiarize ourselves with film-related vocabulary. Additionally, from a cultural perspective, we have talked about the «Frères Lumière». During Cultural Week, students will work in pairs on vocabulary games such as Mots cachés and will watch the short film «Les producteurs de rêves».

And finally,

Enjoy this wonderful week!

TeacherManolo & Ana.



YEAR 1 TO YEAR 6 We wish you a Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! December 2024.

..and above all,  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

What a long ride  the year 2024 has been!

We are SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS for getting through this highly  first term of school!  You´ve  done it incredibly well!

We know you are so excited for a rest from school and  we hope you  enjoy the holidays with your families!

Here are some Christmas songs in English and French and games.  We will see you in 2025 to enjoy all the hopeful promise of the New Year.



..and some traditional carols  in a new way!

Merry Christmas!  Joyeux Noël!

TeacherManolo and Ana.



Our first English presentation!

Hello Primary 3!

During the past weeks, Primary 3 students have been confident speakers with their English conferences!

Kids Talking Cartoon Images – Browse 35,694 Stock Photos, Vectors ... - Clip Art LibraryThe presentation focused on introducing themselves and sharing details about them such as:

  • Their family: «I have a brother. His name is Alex, and he is 5 years old.»
  • Themselves: «I like playing football and reading books.»
  • What’s in their school bags and pencil cases: «In my bag, I have a notebook, a water bottle, and a storybook. In my pencil case, I have three pencils, a ruler, and a sharpener.»

Each student spoke in front of their classmates, showing courage and creativity with a super presentation they have created only with images! They practiced using clear sentences and speaking loudly and proudly, learning in a meaningful way.

The results were amazing! 🙂 Not only they improved their English skills, but they also gained confidence in public speaking.

Here you have photos of some of them ⭐

We are really proud of their hard work and enthusiasm.

Thank you for encouraging your children to prepare their English presentation!

English Teachers: Manolo and Ana