Hi! Year 3.
After this beginning of the course, we are going to start with one famous verb: TO BE.
But before just to revise This that these and those.
Good Luck!
Hi! Year 3.
After this beginning of the course, we are going to start with one famous verb: TO BE.
But before just to revise This that these and those.
Good Luck!
Here some videos about Family. Have a look!
Here are some exercises to practice vocabulary related to the family. Click on the picture to do the exercises.
The first exercise is easier, the second and third are more of a challenge!
If you liked the first activity, then try these! They are a bit more challenging!!!!
Have fun and good luck !
TeacherManolo & Ana.
Hello! Year 6.
Who doesn’t love a good holiday? This is a great topic to study since most people love having holidays. Revise the videos below to learn some important vocabulary to plan you next holiday or to talk about your last holiday! (Remember in American English, we usually talk about vacations- a synonym for holidays.)
Then, take some notes about this new vocabulary in your English notebook.
This video gives great advice for writing and talking about holidays. Watch it to learn how to improve the quality of your speaking and writing.
For extra credit, write a GOOD, ON-LEVEL TEXT (100 – 110 WORDS) about your last holiday.
Be sure to include the answers to these questions.
Let us know if you have any questions.
It’s that time of year again to enjoy The European Day of Languages being multilingual, or at least trying to be! Watch the video below to learn some more about this special celebration. The official date is September 26th.
Celebramos el día de las Lenguas Europeas el pasado 27 de septiembre 2024, en nuestro Colegio; lo primero de todo, queremos agradecer a todas las familias participantes por hacernos pasar una tarde tan interesante y divertida y por acercarnos más no solo a su lengua, sino también a su cultura y tradiciones. Recomendamos ver también las entradas de los Blogs de Primaria ya que los Tutores y Tutoras han publicado el evento.
Durante estas primeras semanas de curso, en nuestras clases de Idiomas, hemos hablado y conocido el Día de las Lenguas. El alumnado ha tomado conciencia de la importancia de hablar algún idioma extranjero. Podéis ver algunas frases de algunos autores y autoras a la entrada de nuestro colegio sobre la importancia de los idiomas y algunos mensajes en diferentes lenguas y opiniones de nuestro alumnado sobre los idiomas.
Las principales razones del alumnado para aprender un idiomas han sido:
Watch to learn how to say country names, nationalities, and languages in English.
How well do you know the FLAGS of European Countries? Watch to test yourself!
Click on the pictures to play the games :
We hope you enjoy these activities!
Teacher Manolo & Ana
Department of Modern Languages Alquería Educación.
TeacherManolo & Ana