Todas las entradas de: inglesavanza

More Pronunciation Top Tips

Hi Year 6-  We’ve been talking a lot about pronunciation and diction while practicing our poem!

Here is another helpful video that will help you remember some of the pronunciation questions that have come up in class recently (like the silent L in walk and talk…)

Watch and repeat out loud!  Many times!  You’ll be speaking like a native in no time!

How does ED sound in English?!

Hello Year 6!

Here is a fun video quiz to practice the three sounds of ED endings that we talked about this week!

First, some help remembering:


(If you need more revision, go to your google classroom to review another explantion video that is there!)

Have Fun!

(And since you’ve been asking, a bit of Halloween!  Here’s your warm-up!  Can you fill in the lyrics? Click on the picture under the song and try to fill in your answers.  If you like it, leave a comment  in the comments section!)


Happy Weekend!  See you Monday!

Manolo and Lindley