Hi, How are you? Well, an activity about can-can´t.
A video and a song about CAN -CAN´T.
Enjoy your week!
Hi, How are you? Well, an activity about can-can´t.
A video and a song about CAN -CAN´T.
Enjoy your week!
Hello Primary 3!
During the past weeks, Primary 3 students have been confident speakers with their English conferences!
The presentation focused on introducing themselves and sharing details about them such as:
Each student spoke in front of their classmates, showing courage and creativity with a super presentation they have created only with images! They practiced using clear sentences and speaking loudly and proudly, learning in a meaningful way.
The results were amazing! 🙂 Not only they improved their English skills, but they also gained confidence in public speaking.
Here you have photos of some of them ⭐
We are really proud of their hard work and enthusiasm.
Thank you for encouraging your children to prepare their English presentation!
English Teachers: Manolo and Ana
Hello Year 5!
Here you have some activities to review daily routine and present simple.
Watch the following video, we will be working about it in class.
Don’t forget that the third person in Present Simple has -s at the end!
Try to answer to these questions in a loud voice.
Thank you!
Teacher Manolo & Teacher Ana
Hello, kids!
We’re so excited to welcome you back to school!
We hope you had a fantastic summer and are ready for a year full of fun, learning, and new adventures.
This year, you’ll meet new friends, explore amazing things, and have lots of exciting activities.
Remember, your teachers and everyone are here to help you.
Welcome back and let’s have a great year together!
Manolo and Ana
¡Hello chicas y chicos de sexto!
Ya solo queda el último empujón y estamos ready para nuestro examen de Trinity!
Recordatorios importantes: Debemos practicar y repasar las posibles preguntas para nuestra conversación con la examinadora.
Recordad también llevar a casa todo el material de inglés que hemos creado para nuestro examen. Practicad el Topic en voz alta todas las veces que necesitéis y sobre todo hay que estar tranquilos y tranquilas pues seguro va a ser una experiencia muy gratificante!
Aquí tenéis un vídeo de examen que os puede servir de ejemplo.
Keep on the good work! You can do it!