We have already started our presentations about daily life, and you are doing really well!
Here are some additional resources to help you practice and improve. Also, don’t forget to review the Present Simple tense, as it is key to describing routines and habits.
Keep practicing, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask us. You’re doing great!
Then, more resources about «Daily Routines» in order to learn or revise new words in English.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding English or French lessons, we are happy to assist you.
We will soon begin our oral presentations in English about «Women Who Changed the World.» Each of you has chosen a remarkable woman to talk about in English.
Here, we are sharing some useful vocabulary as an extra resource, in addition to what we have worked on in class.
Of course, if you have any questions before your presentation date, don’t hesitate to ask us!
During the past weeks, our students have been preparing for a very special event: “Becoming a star!”, an activity that transformed our garden into a real cinema set. The children became famous actors and actresses for a day, dressing up, learning about their lives, and sharing the most iconic moments with their primary classmates.
Weeks before the big day, the students worked hard researching famous movie stars and learning about their lives and famous movies. Each child chose an actor or actress and prepared a short presentation, practicing their English-speaking skills while developing confidence in public speaking, they researched, prepared and acted, congratulations!
To make this activity more exciting, they also got creative with costumes and imitations.
Thanks so much for the great effort and enthusiasm!
Would you like to see some photos of our little stars?
Durante las últimas semanas, el alumnado de sexto ha estado preparando un evento muy especial de la Semana Cultural, la actividad se denomina “¡Nos convertimos en estrellas!”, una actividad que ha transformado el jardín del colegio en un auténtico escenario de cine. Los niños y niñas se han convertido en actores y actrices famosos, disfrazándose, investigando sobre su vida y compartiendo los momentos más icónicos de estos personajes con el resto de compañeros y compañeras de primaria.
Semanas antes del gran día, se ha investigado sobre estrellas de cine famosas, aprendiendo sobre sus vidas y sus películas más conocidas e incluso algunas de sus frases más célebres. Cada niño y niña eligió un actor o actriz y preparó una breve presentación en inglés, practicando así sus habilidades orales y desarrollando confianza para expresarse en público.
Para hacer la actividad más emocionante y real, el alumnado ha derrochado alegría y creatividad disfrazándose e imitando a sus personajes elegidos.
Muchas gracias chicas y chicos de sexto por vuestro esfuerzo, entusiasmo y disposición para aprender y pasarlo en grande, ¡los “peques” de primaria lo han disfrutado mucho!
Aquí tenéis más fotos del día de hoy y los diferentes links que dan acceso al blog de cada una de las clases de primaria. Thank you!
We have kicked off Cultural Week, and this year it is dedicated to the world of cinema.
In English classes, we have worked on vocabulary, dialogues, games, and other activities related to the seventh art. Now it is time to put everything into practice: before entering the cinema to watch a movie, students will have to express themselves in English.
To reinforce what they have learned, we are providing some dialogues and vocabulary games related to cinema.
In French classes, we have carried out activities to familiarize ourselves with film-related vocabulary. Additionally, from a cultural perspective, we have talked about the «Frères Lumière». During Cultural Week, students will work in pairs on vocabulary games such as Mots cachés and will watch the short film «Les producteurs de rêves».