Hello Year 3!
In order to prepare your English Presentation,
Have a nice week !
Hello Year 3!
In order to prepare your English Presentation,
Have a nice week !
…next week? …next month? …next year?
What will the world be like after …?
Are you studying this afternoon?
In June, school finishes at three o’clock.
How many ways can we make the future in English?
You have been exploring the future for the past two weeks – here are more resources to learn from and enjoy!
Watch here to revise how and when to use each tense:
Test yourselves playing these games! Let us know how you do!
Some explanation in Spanish!
It’s now the weekend! What are you going to do? Whatever it is, we hope it is fun (and includes a bit of English if possible!)
Hello, Year5.
Un repaso sobre el «Past Simple» principios básicos.
To review the past simple.
and in English,
How to pronounce – ed !
and now practice!
Have a nice day!
Hello Year 4-
Here are some more resources to review and to practice present simple.
Recordamos que aprender vocabulario es igual de importante que la gramática, porque sino, faltamos palabras para hablar de nuestros hábitos y rutinas. Revisa tanto el vocabulario que como se conjuga los verbos en present simple.
Aqui, un repaso de toooooodoooooooo…… «rellenamos» lagunas y respondemos a dudas!!!
And now, revising how to speak in the present.
We will continue working on all these topics in the 3º Term.