More DEEP Revision

Hello kids-

Here is a blog entry to sum up our revision work in class …

We’d like you to review the videos and try the exercises as our review work is nearly done!

Have fun!

Now, click on the picture below to practice!

And now, for some food review! Watch and have fun with this video quiz!


And now for a simple review of this / that / these / those…

Click the picture to practice!

And finally, let’s revise how to tell time in English…

Enjoy your reviews!



Manolo and Lindley

Practicing the verb «TO BE»

Hi Year 3!   We hope you are having a good weekend!  We just wanted to leave you with a few videos to review what we did in class this week!  Watch these videos to review the forms of the verb to be, then watch the last video and challenge yourself to find the correct answers!

The verb to be: AFFRIMATIVE



We’ll add more to practice next week!

Get some paper and a pencil and write down how many times you guess the correct answer!  Leave us a comment to let us know!

Click the picture (pincha la foto para practicar usando el verbo to be.)

Have fun!

Manolo and Lindley